Festivals Of India

  • PRODUCT CODE : 9789392834387
  • CATEGORY: Kids & Young adult
  • ISBN-13:
  • PAGES: 80
  • LANGUAGE: English

Festivals Of India

Rs. 250.00   Rs. 295.00

Publisher :Om Books International
  • Kids & Young adult
  • English
  • 80 PAGES

The colourful festivals of India are an integral part of the life of its people. They are symbols of the rich cultural heritage of this diverse land. Each unique festival is a celebration of great significance, where india comes alive i its fascinating best. This beautifully illustrated book tells you all about festivals from the diverse regions and religions of India; with detailed descriptions of celebrations and the story behind them.

The colourful festivals of India are an integral part of the life of its people. They are symbols of the rich cultural heritage of this diverse land. Each unique festival is a celebration of great significance, where india comes alive i its fascinating best. This
illustrated book tells you all about festivals from the diverse regions and religions of India; with detailed descriptions of celebrations and the story behind
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  • PRODUCT CODE : 9789392834387
  • CATEGORY: Kids & Young adult
  • ISBN-13: 9789392834387
  • PAGES: 80
  • LANGUAGE: English

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